Download elastiC - development versions

If you are interested in the cutting edge elastiC version, please use Subversion. The newest version will always be available through Subversion.

Alpha release 0.0.37 of elastiC is available now.
Your suggestions and bug reports will be highly appreciated.

CHANGES in 0.0.37:

You can consult the complete ChangeLog.

new elastic-0.0.37.tar.gz - (Source, Unix/Win32 version, 1460 KB)
ffi-0.4.tar.gz - (Source, Unix version, 98 KB)
elastic-gtk-0.6.tar.gz - (Source, Unix version, 157 KB)
inet-0.5.tar.gz - (Source, Unix version, 99 KB)
unicode-0.2.tar.gz - (Source, Unix/Win32 version, 90 KB)
byacc-ec-0.2.tar.gz - (Source, Unix version, 136 KB)
SWIG-elastiC-0.4.tar.gz - (Source, Unix version, 110 KB)
skeleton-0.4.tar.gz - (Source, Unix version, 88 KB)
embed-0.2.tar.gz - (Source, Unix version, 90 KB)
To use the ffi module you'll need this fixed version of:
libffi-2.00-beta.tar.gz - (Source, Unix version, 166 KB)

WARNING: These are alpha releases.