
elastiC - elastiC language

Marco Pantaleoni (panta@elasticworld.org)
4 January 2000

Table of Contents


See the ec(1) manpage and the ecc(1) manpage


elastiC is a very high level language (VHLL) aimed at the ease of development of large systems. It has a simple syntax, similar to that of the C language, so it should be very easy to learn. On the other side it introduces many extremely powerful features, such as:

For a closer look at the details of these topics, we must refer the reader to the other technical documentation that comes with the elastiC package. But, let's dive into a quick tour of the language.

2.1. Mandatory Stuff

Before getting involved with language details we have to see an actual example of an elastiC program, and what's better than classics ? So here it is our first snippet:

    package hello;

    // Import the `basic' package
    import basic;

    // Define a simple function
    function hello()
        // Print hello world
        basic.print( "*** Hello world! ***\n" );

     *  Here we start to execute package code

    // Invoke the `hello' function

If you put this stuff in a file named hello.ec and issue from the shell the command:

    % ec hello.ec

you'll get the output:

    *** Hello world! ***

Quite easy, but you'll be asking yourself the meaning of what we have done so far. So let's have a closer look at the example.

The first line is related to the structure of programs in elastiC, as we'll explain later in greater detail, and introduces a package (also known as module). Every program must reside in a module, and our is named hello, in fact compiling this will give us an object file hello.ecc. As a side note, this line gives us the chance to note that in elastiC every statement (excluding compound ones) is terminated by a semicolon, as in C.

Immediately after the package declaration, there is a line that informs the compiler that we need the functionality offered by the module basic, since we'll be using its function print.

So we define our simple function with no parameters, named, again, hello. The only thing this function does is printing the string "*** Hello world! ***" followed by a newline, by invoking the function print of the module basic, as we anticipated before; the string in question is a parameter for the function basic.print, as it will be explained later.

Then comes the top-level code of the package, in our case a simple call to the newly defined function hello, and nothing more.

Intermixed with actual code there are comments. elastiC features two flavours of them: one line comments, starting at // and ending at the end of the line, and block comments, starting at /* and ending at */, as in C++

Now that you have a less vague idea of what elastiC looks like, we can go on with a more sistematic exploration of the language.

2.2. Program Structure

You have already encountered modules. Every elastiC program is built up of modules. Leaving a more accurate description to reference documentation, modules are essentially pieces of code. Among the most important characteristics of modules is that of introducing functions, classes, variables (more precisely, in this regard, only variables, since in elastiC everything is an object, so everything can be put into a variable). The writer of a module has the ability of restricting the visibility of the variables he or she introduces to the module itself, or giving broader access to these variables to other modules.

As we have already seen in our example, modules can include other modules, in order to refer to their public variables (functions, classes, ... as you know).

elastiC runtime system comes with many builtin modules (think of them as the foundation for the system and for the programs you write). These builtin modules offer basic services such as string manipulation, file handling, and so on.

2.3. Types

elastiC is a dynamically typed language, which means that there is no such thing as a typed variable. There are types of course, but the type is a property of values, not variables. Variables act as mere containers for values (objects), so that the same variable can contain an integer object now and a string at a later time. This is in contrast with statically typed languages, like C, C++, Java and many others, where you must declare the type along with the variable name. Dynamically typed languages give programmers greater flexibility (you can easily make generic data structures, such as lists, trees), at the expense of losing compile-time type checks, since these checks are possible only at run-time. I think that the added flexibility greatly recompenses the shortcomings, but for intellectual honesty I must advise you that many people disagree with me.

However, leaving philosophical questions to later times, here it is a sample of basic types in elastiC:

there are also other, more esoteric, types, but for the purpose of this small introduction they are inessential. Here is a sample code displaying representatives of these types, with the exclusion of classes and class instances:

    package types;

    import basic;

    // make a variable
    local v;

    // an integer
    basic.print( 5, '\n' );

    // a float
    basic.print( 12.45, '\n' );

    // a character
    basic.print( 'a', '\n' );

    // a boolean
    basic.print( @true, '\n' );

    // a symbol
    basic.print( #aSymbol, '\n' );

    // a string
    basic.print( "A simple string", '\n' );

    // an array
    v = #[ 1, 'a', 20.5, "ABCD" ];
    basic.print( v, '\n' );
    basic.print( v[3], '\n' );

    // an hash table
    v = %[ "color",  "orange",
           "weight", 12 ];
    basic.print( v["weight"], '\n' );
    basic.print( v["color"], '\n' );

The output will be:






    A simple string

    [1, 'a', 20.5, "ABCD"]




Perhaps all of these types are quite familiar to the reader, with the possible exception of the symbols and hash tables.

Symbols are atomic entities, useful to represent symbolic names. They are quite different from strings: strings can be seen as a collection of characters, and they allow to address every single character in them; on the other side, symbols are atomic, in that they can be manipulated as indivisible entities. Symbols are useful for representing symbolic names. Their utility in this respect reside in the fact that they consume much less memory than strings and they are a lot faster (symbols are internally represented as integers). Symbols are written in the code with an initial # (Smalltalk style) or ' (LISP style) and a string consisting of an alphabetic character followed by alphanumeric characters with the addition of the underscore, the colon and the minus sign.

Hash tables, or dictionaries, are a sort of generalized array: they associate an index (key) to a value, only that the index has not to be an integer. You can associate a value to a key of whatever type you desire. For example one could do:

    local map;                // introduce variable `map'

    map = %[ ];               // store in variable `map' an empty
                              // hash table

    map[1] = "orange";        // here we use the hash table like an
                              // ordinary array

    map["color"] = "orange";  // here we associate the string "orange"
                              // to the key "color", a string also

    map[12.5] = 0;            // associate the integer 0 to the real
                              // value 12.5

It is also possible to do fancy things like using a complex type like an array, a function, a class, or whatever you want, as a key:

    local arr;                // introduce variable `arr'
    local map;                // introduce variable `map'

    arr = [1, 2, 3];          // store an array in `arr'
    map = %[ ];               // store an empty hast table in `map'

    map[arr] = ["A", "B", "C"];  // map `arr' array to another array !

... only to get a taste of the flexibility you'll get addicted to in elastiC ...

You'll have noticed that in the examples above we never worried about memory allocation and deallocation for the objects that we used. This is not a bad programming habit, as it would be in other languages, but it is the way to go in elastiC, since it is the run-time system to account for these boring tasks.

In the above code we had to use variables, which gives us the occasion to speak about the next topic: variable scoping.

2.4. Variable scoping

We have seen that variables in elastiC act as simple containers for objects. This is certainly true, but there are other important issues concerning variables. The main issue is variable scoping.

The scoping of a variable, also known as visibility, is the set of places in the source code text that can reach that variable. In every language there are rules governing variable scoping. elastiC rules are quite similar to those of Scheme, for the readers acquainted with this language (for all the others, these rules are not too different from those of C, in their basic form, but they present some interesting additions).

Package variables

Variables declared at the top level in a package (i.e. not inside any function or class) can be of two flavours: public or private. The former are visible also from other modules through qualification (think to the use of the variable print in the package basic that we have made so far), while the latter are only local to the package, and can't be referenced from the outside world. As you might guess, public variables are introduced by the keyword public, while private ones by the keyword private (in this context, local is a synonym for private):

    public foo;  // "foo" is a public variable
    private bar; // "bar" is a private one

Since in elastiC functions and classes are first class objects (i.e. you can store them, use them as parameters, ...), you can declare even a function or a class with the same scoping attributes:

    public function hello()
        basic.print( "Hello, world!\n" );

    private function how()
        basic.print( "How are you ?\n" );

in fact, this is equivalent to the following:

    public hello;
    hello = function()
        basic.print( "Hello, world!\n" );

    private how;
    how = function()
        basic.print( "How are you ?\n" );

If a function has no scoping attribute, it defaults to private.

Function variables

Variables introduced inside the body of a function can also have two scoping attributes: local and static. Local variables are visible only inside the defining function and they exist only for the duration of function execution (with a noteworthy exeception, as we'll see in a while). Static variables are also visible only inside the defining function, but once their lifetime is the same of the defining function (which is very different from the execution of the function), and they maintain the value across invocations of the function. So you can have:

    function squarecount()
        static val = 0;    // a static variable
        local  v;          // a local variable

        val = val + 1;
        v = val * val;
        basic.print( v, '\n' );


producing the output:




We have just seen that in elastiC functions are objects in the same regard as integers or floats, or else. So it turns out that the following code is perfectly legal:

    function trunky()
        local funky;

        funky = function() {
            basic.print( "BUH !\n" );


But this is not too interesting, if we can't access variables in the outer function from the inner one, so we have arranged things to make possible something as:

    package trunky;

    import basic;

    function trunky()
        local funky;
        local v;

        v = 5;

        funky = function() {
            basic.print( v, '\n' );



Which produces a shining:


But now you could (and should) ask yourself what would happen doing something like:

    package curious;

    import basic;

    function trunky()
        local funky;
        local v;

        v = 5;

        funky = function() {
            basic.print( v, '\n' );

        // we return the function stored in the variable funky
        return funky;

    local func;
    func = trunky();

    // func is the function returned by trunky() ...
    // ... call it !

What will happen ? We call a function that refers to a variable that was active at the time of its creation, and apparently not active at the time of its call ! Well, the output is just:


This is because the system is made to allow such a programming style. This is the exception to variable lifetime we alluded before when we introduced local variables. The rule could be specified in this intuitive form: variables remain active for the entire time they could reveal necessary for a computation. This rule proves of invaluable power.


Another variable type is given by function parameters. There is no black magic here. The visibility of function parameters is the body of the function, like with local variables. A function simply has to specify a list of accepted parameters, as in the following excerpt:

    function sum(p1, p2, p3)
        return p1 + p2 + p3;

    local res;
    res = sum(5, 6, 7);

    basic.print( res, '\n' );

You can also pass a variable number of arguments, using the ellipsis (...):

    function show(a, args ...)
        // print first argument
        basic.print( "First argument: ", a, '\n' );

        // print remaining arguments
        basic.print( "Remaining arguments: ", args, '\n' );

    show(1, 2, "Hello", 4.4);

which will produce:

    First argument: 1

    Remaining arguments: [2, "Hello", 4.4]

and you can see that remaining arguments are passed in the array "args" (notice that the name "args" is not special in any way).

Other rules

There are other scoping rules, valid for class and class instance member variables, but they will be introduced at a later time, along with OOP discussion.

2.5. Syntax

Now that we master the basic notions on modules, data types and variables, we can look at common syntactic forms (see the reference manual for a more accurate description).


Blocks are groups of statements to be executed in sequence (a block constitue a compound statement). Blocks can be put everywhere a simple statement would be legal, by enclosing the sequence in braces:


would execute statements from statement-1 to statement-N. Without introducing control structures such as if, while or for blocks cannot be appreciated for their real usefulness, so stay tuned.

If statement

The if statement is used to alter the flow of code execution based on the value assumed by an expression. The form of the if statement is as follows:

    if (expression)
    [ else
        statement-2 ]

where the part enclosed in brackets is optional. The meaning is the following: if the evaluation of expression gives a value considered logically true, execute statement-1, else continue, eventually executing statement-2 if present. Many if statements can be chained, to get a multi-way decision:

    if (expression)
    else if (expression-2)
    else if (expression-3)

A precisation on the meaning of logically true is necessary: in elastiC the following are considered to be logically false:

and everything else is considered equivalent to true (@nil is the value used for expressing "no object").

A real example:

    if (x == y)
        basic.print( "x and y are equal !\n" );
        return 0;
        basic.print( "x and y are different.\n" );
        return x / y;

where we have the opportunity of noting that in elastiC (as in C), the assignment is very different from equality test (as it is also in math): the assignment operator is the equal sign, while the equality test is `=='.

While statement

The while statement permits the repeated execution of the same piece of code until a given expression remains true. It assumes the form:

    while (expression)

that executes statement until expression remains true. A simple example could be:

    public function sum_to( upper )
        local i, result;

        i      = 0;
        result = 0;

        while (i <= upper)
            result = result + i;
            i = i + 1;

        return result;
    basic.print( "1 + 2 + ... + 10 = ", sum_to( 10 ), '\n' );

where the function sum_to computes the sum 1 + 2 + ... + upper, which perhaps you'll remember being equal to upper * (upper + 1) / 2.

For statement

The for statement is analogous to while, in that it allows to perform an iteration. Its basic form is:

    for (init; test; update)

which is equivalent to:

    while (test)

Such a construction is handy to count over a range, as in:

    for (i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1)
        basic.print( "i = ", i, '\n' );

equivalent to:

    i = 0;
    while (i < 10)
        basic.print( "i = ", i, '\n' );
        i = i + 1;

(as a side note, here you should understand why the lack of the semicolon above in the for-while equivalence is not an error...).

It is possible to omit the init, the <test> and also the update part of the for statement, individually or together. For example, a common idiomatic form for an infinite cycle is:

    for (;;)

although I prefer the following:

    while (@true)

There is also another form of the for statement, allowing to iterate over a sequence, such as an array:

    local state;
    local states = #["Italy", "England", "France", "Germany", "Spain"];

    for (state in states)
        basic.print( state, '\n' );

Do while statement

A syntactic form quite similar to while is the do-while statement. It allows reiterating the execution of a statement while a condition remains true, but evaluating the condition after the body of the cycle, not before, thus executing at least once the statement. The form is:

    while (condition);

Its use is quite rare.

The break statement

At times, it could be useful to exit from a cycle (for, while, or whatever) from its body, without resorting to the evaluation of the condition. The syntax is:

    break [ level ];

where level is an optional integer denoting the number of nested cycles to exit (defaults to 1). For example:

    local l, n, num;
    l = 0;
    n = 1;
    num = 1024;
    while (@true)
        if (n >= num) break;

        l = l + 1;
        n = n * 2;
    basic.print( "l = ", l, '\n' );


    l = 10

and also:

    local i, j;
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1)
        for (j = 0; j < 10; j = j + 1)
            if (i == 5) break 2;

    basic.print( "i = ", i, ", j = ", j, '\n' );


    i = 5, j = 0

Labels and goto statement

At times it is necessary to perform an unconditional jump to a location in code. To accomplish this task, the goto statement is provided. Syntax is:

    goto label;

where label is a symbol defining the point in code to jump to. Each form of statement can be labeled:


For example:

    for (task in tasks)
        if (! init_task( task )) goto ouch;
        basic.print( "Task ", task, " OK\n" );

    basic.print( "All tasks OK\n" );
    return @true;

    basic.print( "Ouch: initialization failed\n" );
    return @false;

2.6. Object Oriented Programming

We have seen that elastiC is aimed at the development of large and complex programs. To achieve this it's necessary to have powerful tools, like good basic datatypes and control structures, but experience shows that these are no way sufficient. Complexity is mastered by means of subdivision. In fact, the only way to handle complex projects is divide and conquer: identify the subproblems, attach each subproblem (with the same, recursive, technique). This strategy leads naturally to a component driven approach: desing separate modules, with clean interfaces to the outside world and clear dependencies on other modules. This philosophy is heavily used in the field of electronic engineering and proved very effective. The analogous in software engineering is Object Oriented Programming (OOP for short). Sadly enough, OOP has not been fully understood when came to life and losed its full meaning, reducing itself to a abused buzzword. Many languages claim to be object oriented, but they are only minimal affected by OO philosophy, while elastiC embraces the whole spirit of component oriented development.

To provide a minimal understanding to the uninitiated, we'll briefly recall what classes and objects are and what OOP is about:

It is possible to write entire books about object oriented programming, and this is not our intention. There are many other relevant aspects and the reader not acquainted with them should refer to a good text, such as [Cox86].

We are going instead to explain what are the basic principles that inspired the OO infrastructure in elastiC:

The second point is a strong prerequisite for the first one. Traditional languages, like C++ or Java fail in the first two points, and sometimes in the third also. It is left as an exercise to the reader to figure out why (hint: strong typing could have a role !).

elastiC object orientation allows to fulfill to all these points, thanks to a fundamental property:

OOP subsystem is designed around the dynamic typing system: it's possible to use classes and instances without having access to their definition or implementation. This is true for both inheritance and direct use.

This way objects are completely opaque (second property), thus enabling the developer to ensure that the first one is also satisfied. The third property is also much more easy to achieve, thanks to the use of generic interfaces (C++ had to introduce templates to avoid static typing limits, with questionable results).

After this too long (or too short ?) introduction, we finally get to the details. The syntax for a class definition is:

    SCOPE class NAME extends SUPERCLASS

where SCOPE can be either private or <public>, NAME is the name the class being defined and SUPERCLASS is the direct superclass from which we derive. The class body consists of zero or more class statements, and each statement can be either a variable declaration or a method definition.

Variable declarations

Variables can be declared like everywhere else, with the constraint that only local and static attributes are accepted. The former indicates an instance variable: every instance object has a private, personal, member with this name. The latter instead introduces a class variable, which is a class-wide variable: every instance can use it, but its value is shared by all instances.

Method definitions

Like with variables, there are two flavors of methods: normal methods and class methods. Normal methods operate on a specific instance object, while class methods are operations interesting the whole class, not its single instances. Normal methods are introduced with one of the following syntaxes:

    method NAME( PARAMETERS )

where NAME, PARAMETERS and BODY have exactly the same meaning and syntax they have in ordinary functions. The novelty here is KEYWORDPARAMETERS, which is an alternative way of specifying method name and parameters; since it would be too cumbersome to specify its formal syntax, we give an example:

    drawLineFrom: pointA To: pointB

here the method name is drawLineFrom:To: and parameters are pointA and pointB: the name is the concatenation of all keywords, where a keyword is an identifier followed by a colon introducing a single parameter. Another example could be:

    connectTo: hostname withProtocol: protocol onPort: port

the name is connectTo:withProtocol:onPort:, and parameters are hostname, protocol and port. Like with functions, it's possible to pass a variable number of arguments, resorting to the ellipsis:

    method print(format, data ...)


    method drawPolygon: points ...

Finally, class methods are introduced exactly in the same way, but with a class prefix:

    class method getShapeName()

We have not yet specified how methods can refer to variables. These are the rules:

Note that variables defined in a class are visibile only from inside methods: this prevents all the problems of having public, private and protected variables as in C++ and, what's most important, ensures that the class implementation is not used as interface to the outside world. If yoy want to provide access to a property of an instance, use methods pairs like getX, setX.

A final note on method definitions: you can return whatever you want from a method, like in ordinary functions, but if the return statement is omitted, by default self is returned (useful for chaining method calls, as you'll understand after the following section).

Method calls

Suppose we have just defined a method for a class Foo with the following code:

    method moveTo( x, y )

which moves the object of class Foo (or one derived from this class) in the location specified. Now we have an object obj (of class Foo, or derived from class Foo), and want to move it to the point (30, 20). We simply send the message moveTo to obj:

    [obj moveTo 30, 20];

If we have a method defined with keywords, like:

    method moveToX: x Y: y

we do:

    [obj moveToX: 30 Y: 20];

Method calls can be nested, like in:

    [[Foo getMainObject] moveToX: 30 Y: 20];

(where we suppose that the class method getMainObject in class Foo returns a Foo object instance) or in:

    [obj moveToX: 30 Y: [obj getCurrentY]];

(which supposedly moves obj on the x axis).

From inside a method it is possible to call other methods on the same object (the receiver of the current method), by using self:

    method draw()
        // Draw the border
        [self drawBorder];

        // Draw the inside
        [self drawInside];

It is also possible to call methods defined in the superclass (or one of its ancestors), by using super:

    method draw()
        // Call method draw defined in the super class
        [super draw];

        // Draw our specific stuff

note that in this example, if we used self instead of super, we'd found ourselves trapped in an endless recursive call. Sending the message draw to super instead, we call the method with name draw for the same object, but starting the search in its superclass. (For more insight in OOP issues like this, please refer to a good book on the subject).


the ec(1) manpage: for the elastiC interpreter

the ecc(1) manpage: for the elastiC compiler

the ecdump(1) manpage: for the bytecode disassembler

[Cox86]: Brad J. Cox, Object Oriented Programmingm An Evolutionary Approach, Productivity Products International, Inc.


None known.


Marco Pantaleoni (panta@elasticworld.org)


I wish to thank the following people:

B.W. Kernighan, D.M. Ritchie, K. Thompson, R. Pike, for giving us the C programming language and Unix.

L. Torvalds and the other kernel hackers, for letting us common mortals to use a real operating system.

Bill, for letting us to demonstrate how much superior Unix is.

And all the others, that I can't cite in a manual page.


Copyright (C) 1997-2000 Marco Pantaleoni. All rights reserved.

The contents of this file are subject to the elastiC License version 1.0 (the "elastiC License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the elastiC License. You may obtain a copy of the elastiC License at http://www.elasticworld.org/LICENSE



See the elastiC License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the elastiC License.
